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- Jan 2013: Awarded our second US Patent (8,347,101) “System and method for anonymously indexing electronic record systems” which protects the core Stepwise Privacy Enhancing Technology. This specification is based on Lockstep’s early Australian patents 2005220988 and 2004201058. A corresponding European patent is pending.
- Oct 2012: Awarded our first US Patent (8,286,865) “Authenticating electronic financial transactions” which protects the Stepwise CNP payment solution in smartcards and mobile devices. A corresponding Australian patent is pending.
- March 2010: “Stepwise” made the finals of the Asian SESAMES awards for smartcard technology, in conjunction wth the inaugural Cartes in Asia conference. Lockstep was the only Australian company to be represented, and the only SME finalist.
- April 2009: Lockstep’s “Stepwise” came in at no. 25 in Anthill Magazine’s inaugural Smart 100 Awards, celebrating innovative Australian products.
- February 2009: Lockstep Technologies was selected by leading financial technology newswire service Finextra in its Innovation Showcase.
- November 2008: we were selected to appear on ABC TV’s The New Inventors program.
- September 2008: we were the only Australian startup company to make the Asian semi-finals of the Global Security Competition.
- August 2008: we won a place in the prestigious Australian Technology Showcase.
- October 2007: we were awarded a competitive COMET grant by AusIndustry, to help commercialise our Stepwise product.
- September 2007: we were a finalist in the Anthill Cool Companies Award in the Innovation category; see Cool Companies news.
- March 2007: we were a finalist in DCITA’s “Secrets of Australian ICT Innovation” competition; see Secrets of Innovation news and IT Secrets home page.