
Lockstep concentrates on strategic management consulting and R&D in data protection, privacy, digital identity, verifiable credentials, PKI and smart technologies.

Lockstep’s basic value proposition is to help its clients break through the complex field of identity management.

Research, analysis & advice

Lockstep founder Stephen Wilson has worked data protection at Principal Consultant level for over 25 years, specialising in digital identity, privacy, PKI, and smart technologies. The hallmarks of his work have long included independence, insight, innovation and depth.

Lockstep’s services centre on research, analysis and advice; these disciplines are discussed a little further under the headings below.

Counter to prevailing consulting fashion, we don’t have a lot to say about methodology. Each client is different and each job presents its own challenges. We firmly believe there is no algorithm for consulting services. Suffice to say, we have solved complex and novel management problems in the past, and we will continue to do so.