The cover of Newsweek magazine on 27 July 1970 featured an innocent couple being menaced...
As we head towards 2014, de-identification of personal data sets is going to be a...
The Australian parliament recently revised our definition of Personal Information. We have lowered the bar...
This article was first published as Wilson, S. (2013). What happened to privacy?”. Issues, 104,...
I am speaking at next week’s AusCERT security conference, on how to make privacy real...
I was invited to give a speech to launch Australian Privacy Awareness Week #2013PAW on...
The headlines proclaim that the newfound ability to re-identify anonymous DNA donors means The End...
Introduction I had a letter published in Science magazine about the recently publicised re-identification of...
I have come to believe that a systemic conceptual shortfall affects typical technologists’ thinking about...
Dec 19, 2012 Yesterday Instagram made its first move towards delivering the real value in...