I love a bit of philosophy as much as the next engineer does, and I...
Use of the word “unique” in biometrics constitutes false advertising. There is little scientific basis...
The information security sub-specialisation of Digital Identity has spurred prodigious activity in the past decade,...
Imagine a new secretarial agency that provides you with a Personal Assistant. They’re a really...
It is no exaggeration to characterise the theft of personal information as an epidemic. Personal...
The Australian Payments Clearing Association (APCA) releases card fraud statistics every six months for the...
Multi-disciplined healthcare is standard practice today. Yet an important legal precedent to do with information...
Too many analyses of Google’s and Facebook’s Real Names policy take a narrow view of...
I’d like to see a moratorium on commercial facial recognition. It should be of acute...
In a favorite West Wing episode, the press secretary advises VP running mate Leo McGarry...