Lockstep transaction de-identification

Lockstep Technologies R&D has led to a unique de-identification solution, which could decentralise personal identifiers, and quarantine the information flowing to government agencies, banks, healthcare providers and so on.

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Health & welfare smartcard projects (like the DHS Access Card proposal) aim to control and streamline a range of information flows and transactions using a single card. To protect privacy, we should avoid unnecessary linkages and the swapping of personal data between otherwise unrelated institutions. In particular, financial institutions should not have access to health information or identifiers, and govern-ments should not have sensitive third party transactions pass through their systems.

Lockstep Technologies R&D has led to a unique de-identification solution for smart-cards, which could decentralise personal identifiers, account details and so on, and leverage security functions available in many smartcard platforms to quarantine the information flowing to government agencies, banks, healthcare providers and so on. An innovative new type of anonymous certificate can provide receivers of de-identified messages with high levels of assurance that the sender was properly credentialed by a trusted authority, and was using a genuine smartcard of a known type.

Lockstep Technologies Privacy Issues Paper (3 0)