DVP/Update 01: Launching the Data Verification Platform at Identiverse 2023

Lockstep is pleased to be unveiling the Data Verification Platform proposal at the same time as Identiverse 2023 this week — and also launching a podcast.

We’ve published the Executive Summary

The executive summary of the proposed DVP model is now available, An Introduction to Data Verification Platform (PDF).

We’re very interested to hear your reactions.

The full 43-page paper is confidential for now, but we’ll let you know when it’s available more generally. Or let us know if you’d like an early copy.

New blog posts

We’ve been blogging about the ideas that led us to develop the DVP model. Here are the most relevant posts.

We’ve also published a timeline showing the evolution of our thoughts, a story which goes back more than two decades.

Stephen Wilson’s presentations at Identiverse 2023

If you’re at this week’s Identiverse 2023 conference in Las Vegas, we invite you to join us for these sessions:

If you can’t make those times, we’re also planning a get-together to discuss the DVP model somewhere in or near the ARIA Resort & Casino. Feel free to buttonhole George Peabody or Stephen Wilson to grab the details, or check this post for an update.

Making Data Better: click for the podcast website

New podcast: Making Data Better

Launching in June is our new podcast, Making Data Better, where we talk about data quality and the impact it has on how we protect, manage, and use the digital data critical to our lives.

The trailer is online now. Please subscribe in your podcast app of choice.

Please help us spread the word

We believe passionately that the Data Verification Platform represents a real opportunity to create a global network business model to share verifiable data, solving many problems along the way.

Please forward this post to anyone you think might be interested and encourage them to subscribe to our email updates.

And if it’s something you do, please spread the word through your social networks.

Thanks for your interest,

Stephen Wilson
Founder and Principal, Lockstep