I closed my Identiverse 2022 keynote speech with an observation and a plea: “If zero...
Data is not actually the problem with the Optus breach; it’s the quality of the...
It’s been a big month for blockchain. I attended InterConnect and presented my research on...
Last month, over September 26-27, I attended a US government workshop on The Use of...
What do land titles, marriage certificates, diamonds, ballots, aircraft parts and medical records have in...
I’ve been a critic of Blockchain. Frankly I’ve never seen such a massed rush of...
Almost everything you read about the blockchain is wrong. No new technology since the Internet...
I was talking with government identity strategists earlier this week. We were circling (yet again)...
The Australian Payments Clearing Association (APCA) releases card fraud statistics every six months for the...
One of the silliest things I’ve read yet about blockchain came out in Business Insider...