I was discussing definitions of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) with some lawyers today, one of...
Few technologies are so fundamental and yet so derided at the same time as public...
Oc 18. 2014 A repeated refrain of cynics and “infomopolists” alike is that privacy is...
Ed Snowden was interviewed today as part of the New Yorker festival. This TechCruch report...
Tonight, Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s Four Corners program aired a terrific special, “Privacy Lost” written and...
The “Right to be Forgotten” debate reminds me once again of the cultural differences between...
The European Court of Justice recently ruled on the so-called “Right to be Forgotten” granting...
Another week, another security collaboration launch! “Simply Secure” calls itself “a small but growing organization...
The collision between Big Data and privacy law Now available at the Social Science Research...
Master Class: How to Protect Your Customer’s Digital Identity and Personal Data A Social Media...